Reasons Why Job Hunting Is Like Dating

Rachel Kim
3 min readJan 1, 2021


Published this piece back in 2017. Re-posting it as I opened up my personal Medium account — no worries, it is still somewhat relevant

This article is also on BUZZFEED

I don’t know which is harder:dating or job hunting. Both take tons of time and effort. Here are some tips to win both a hot job and a hot bae.

It’s all about the competition

The market is more competitive than you expect. If you like a certain company, most likely other candidates feel the same way, just like the girls that flocked around the quarterback in high school. Many job applicants need to realize that they must do something in order to set them apart from their competitors. Be creative. Bring your personality to the interview. Go above and beyond with your resume and professional references.

Social media is a crucial tool

Take advantage of social media. We all know you creep on your crush’s Instagram. Utilize your FBI agent level investigation skills while job searching. Swipe right and connect with recruiters on LinkedIn instead of Tinder. Follow your favorite companies on Twitter to keep yourself updated with their latest news.

Keep it real

Playing hard to get is overrated. Don’t waste your time or others’ time. You will start living peacefully once you become more honest to yourself and other people. You can say whatever you want as long as you keep it professional and strategic.

Dress to impress

When in doubt, choose to dress up! Always better to be over-dressed than underdressed. Yet, do your best to vibe it out and see what suits the situation best, both on dates and interviews.

You gotta fail to succeed sometimes

It is okay to fall sometimes. You might get ignored/rejected many times by companies and get heartbroken in a relationship. Hang in there! Good things take time. There is a reason behind everything. If it does not work out, it is clearly not meant to be. Let the failure motivate you.

Be flexible

Learn to negotiate to meet each other halfway. Simple as that.

Treat your ex with respect

Talking trash about your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend won’t make your current bae fall in love with you. Speak highly of your previous work experience and emphasize on what you learned although it was not the best job in the world.

YOUR happiness should be YOUR priority

If you are not happy in a relationship, clearly it will not work out for you and your significant other. Ensure that the job you are looking for will make you happy and confident. Desperate people smell bad in interviews. Love yourself and others will love you as well.

Good luck with your search ;)
(yes, both for your job and partner)



Rachel Kim

From Chicago, currently in Lisbon. Talent Acquisition in Tech. UX design enthusiast.